[POLL] Results

Two things. First, results are in! Read on to find out which is the most awesome – detective, doctor or supercomputer – according to the popular vote.

Which is the most awesome?

  • Detective 35%
  • Doctor 46%
  • Supercomputer 19%

Second, below are some more responses people shared to explain why they voted the way they did. These responses are also HINTS about the top-secret project we’ll be revealing in early March.

Here are some of the resonses we received:

“A doctor is able to repair, replace or cure making it whole or better.”

“investigates and solve problems”

“Thoroughly investigates and based upon all the evidence gathered can solve issues/problems and reasons why and how the incident occurred”

“look for the root of the problems”


The top-secret project is:

  • Useful
  • Made for you
  • Could save you a lot of time, money and frustration
  • 100% free