By Rob West | CEO on Jul 12, 2016 9:06:37 AM
It’s easy to see how it happens.
Say someone is looking for a new pump or pump system. First, they narrow down the contenders by checking performance parameters: HP, discharges, ability to handle solids, et cetera.
Then they need to choose amongst the options. So they check prices, looking for the cheapest that will do the job. It’s a natural and completely understandable impulse.
But it’s a trap. Because, ultimately, it’s not price that matters to your bottom line… it’s total cost. Buyer beware.
Buying a cheaper dewatering / slurry pump may save you a few bucks up front, but along with that cheap pump, you’re also buying a lot of headaches:
- Extended downtime
- Less reliability
- A pump you may have to replace multiple times a year
- A budget (not to mention your boss) shrieking under the pressure of surprise expenses
If you want to maximize your return on investment, but initial cash outlay is a consideration, check out GPM’s new leasing and financing program.
Recently, we set out to see just how big a difference pump selection can make to your bottom line.
In a field test, we pitted the GPM-EliminatorTM slurry pump against several leading competitors which shall not be named, comparing them across the axes of maintenance needs, operating expenses and downtime…
The Shocking ROI Results
In the total-cost field test, GPM-Eliminator, well, eliminated the competition. The initial investment of $63,000 yielded six-year savings of over $366,000.
If you want to maximize your equipment return on investment, don’t just consider price. Consider total cost.
GPM-Eliminator pumps range from 5HP to 500HP, with discharges from 2” to 8” and handles slurries from 70% solids to dirty water.
Want more information? Download our Eliminator Brochure.