By Rob West | CEO on May 18, 2016 11:12:35 PM
Introducing the new GPM Pump Leasing and Finance Program. GPM has partnered with Northland Capital Financial Services to offer you both leasing and equipment financing with an easy application and very competitive rates.
Why lease?
- Leasing stays off the balance sheet
- Does not affect credit lines
- At the end of the loan term, the equipment is yours
- Any GPM-EliminatorTM pump or pump system qualifies
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a rental program?
No. Don’t get us wrong, we love GPM-Eliminator pumps! But we don’t want your pump back.
Who owns the pump(s) during the lease?
Northland Capital Financial Services owns the pump or system during the lease. You own it at the end.
What lease term lengths are available?
You may lease a GPM pump for 24, 36, 48 or 60 months. Special term lengths may be arranged.
What pumps are eligible?
Any GPM-Eliminator pump or pump system.
Who’s responsible for maintenance, service and repairs?
This is similar to a car lease. You handle basic maintenance, insurance and service. GPM handles anything covered under the warranty.
What’s the catch? There’s always a catch.
There’s no catch – we’re not that kind of company. Our philosophy is we only offer a deal if we’d feel comfortable offering it to a family member or a neighbor.